
Showing posts from November, 2005

Bubu's Entry :D

I'm FINALLY back. hahahhaa. so, how's all of the jA's doing? lol. woah, so many things happened in the last few weeks. the misunderstanding, ben not in star idol already.. hais. who agrees that the competition is biased and unfair? please leave a comment! tsk tsk. =x (ben, you're still OUR star idol hor.) misunderstanding has past. hope everyone's okay. uh huh. so yeap. hurr. so besides me, ross, zann and hz, janet, daryl and ben have not blog in this jA blog yet. LOL! please update k? =D I LOVE YOU ALL XD -bubufire :D
Happy Sweet 18th Birthday, BUBU !! =)) - zann
haha, thanks. and bubu's birthday coming soon!! hahaha. ;) - zann

Bubu's Entry! :P

SELAMAT HARI RAYA! Boo hoo, I miss Japaquas. ;(